Ainsworth, M. (2011) Fungi associated with poplars. Polypores and corticioids fruiting on poplar.
Field Mycology 12: 64-67
Emmett, E.E. & V.E. Emmett (2001)
Phellinus tremulae, a new British Record on Aspens in Scotland.
Mycologist 15: 105-106
Jahn, H. (1966) Neue Funde von
Phellinus tremulae in Mitteleuropa.
Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 32: 30-32
Jahn, H. (1962) Der Espen-Feuerschwamm (
Phellinus tremulae), ein gefährlicher Feind der Espe.
Westfälische Pilzbriefe 3: 94-102
Jahn, H. (1966) Pilzgesellschaften an
Populus tremula.
Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 32: 26-42 [
Artomyces =
Clavicorona; Inocutis rheades =
Inonotus vulpinus; Oxyporus corticola =
Poria corticola;
Phellinus populicola als
P. igniarius; Trametes ochraceum =
T. zonata]
Rivoire, B. (2014)
Phellinus sensu lato clé aux espèces en Europe. Wikström, C. (1976) The occurrence of
Phellinus tremulae (Bond.) Bond. and Borisov as a primary parasite in
Populus tremula L.
European Journal Forest Pathology 6: 321-328 [These results support the theory that P. tremulae is a primary parasite in aspen. ]
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