LiteratuurBrouwer, R. (1954) The regulating Influence of Transpiration and Suction Tension on the Water and Salt Uptake by the Roots of intact Vicia faba Plants.
Acta botanica neerlandica 3: 264-312
Brouwer, R. (1956) Investigations into the Occurrence of Active and Passive Components in the Ion Uptake by Vicia faba.
Acta botanica neerlandica 5: 287-314
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Acta botanica neerlandica 46: 279-290
Maurousset, L., R. Lemoine, S. Delrot & D. Pichelin-Poitevin (1992) Solute uptake in plasma membrane vesicles from broad bean (Vicia faba L.) leaves.
Acta botanica neerlandica 41: 151-159
Petzold, U., S. Peschel, I. Dahse & G. Adam (1992) Stimulation of source-applied 14C-sucrose export in Vicia faba plants by brassinosteroids, GA3 and IAA.
Acta botanica neerlandica 41: 469-479
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Acta botanica neerlandica 13: 91-96
Wolswinkel, P. (1974) Complete inhibition of setting and growth of fruits of Vicia faba L. resulting from the draining of the phloem system by Cuscuta species.
Acta botanica neerlandica 23: 48-60
Wolswinkel, P. (1974) Enhanced rate of 14C-solute release to the free space by the phloem of Vicia faba stems parasitised by Cuscuta.
Acta botanica neerlandica 23: 177-188
Wolswinkel, P. (1975) The active role of the host (Vicia faba L.) in the transfer of nutrient elements from the phloem to the parasite (Cuscuta species): Metabolically controlled K+ and Mg++ release to the free space.
Acta botanica neerlandica 24: 211-224
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