LiteratuurBrouwer, R. (1963) The Influence of the Suction Tension of the Nutrient Solutions on Growth, Transpiration and Diffusion Pressure Deficit of Bean Leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris).
Acta botanica neerlandica 12: 248-260
Kapuya, J.A., G.W.M. Barendse & H.F. Linskens (1985) Water stress tolerance and proline accumulation in Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Acta botanica neerlandica 34: 293-300
Massot, N., C. Poschenrieder & J. Barcelo (1992) Differential response of three bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars to aluminium.
Acta botanica neerlandica 41: 293-298
Papenhuijzen, C. (1978) Preliminary observations on the effect of blocking of the gas transport through the hypocotyl of Phaseolus vulgaris.
Acta botanica neerlandica 27: 87-90
Papenhuijzen, C. (1979) A comparison of the morphological development of aerated and non-aerated primary root systems of Phaseolus vulgaris L.
Acta botanica neerlandica 28: 281-287
Papenhuijzen, C. (1983) Effect of interruption of aeration of the root medium on distribution of dry matter, sugar and starch in young plants of Phaseolus vulgaris.
Acta botanica neerlandica 32: 63-67
Papenhuijzen, C. & M.H. Roos (1979) Some changes in the subcellular structure of root cells of Phaseolus vulgaris as a result of cessation of aeration in the root medium.
Acta botanica neerlandica 28: 491-495
Schippers, B. (1963) Transmission of Bean common mosaic Virus by Seed of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivar Beka.
Acta botanica neerlandica 12: 433-497
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