LiteratuurDullaart, J. (1967) Quantitative estimation of indoleacetic acid and indolecarboxylic acid in root nodules and roots of Lupinus luteus L.
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Dullaart, J. (1970) The bioproduction of indole-3-acetic acid and related compounds in root nodules and roots of Lupinus luteus L. and by its rhizobial symbiont.
Acta botanica neerlandica 19: 573-615
Dullaart, J. & L.I. Duba (1970) Presence of gibberellin-like substances and their possible role in auxin bioproduction in root nodules and roots of Lupinus luteus L.
Acta botanica neerlandica 19: 877-883
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Lienenbecker, H. (1980)
Vicia villosa ssp.
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Mennes, A.M. (1973) The indole-3-acetic acid oxidase of Lupinus luteus L. I. A qualitative comparison of the activity of this enzyme in root nodules and roots.
Acta botanica neerlandica 22: 694-705
Mennes, A.M. (1973) The in dole-3-acetic acid oxidase of Lupinus luteus L. II. A quantitative comparison of the activity of this enzyme in root nodules and roots.
Acta botanica neerlandica 22: 706-729
van Eeden, F.W. (1885) Lupinus luteus - Gele Lupine
Flora Batava 17: 1308-1308
Venekamp, J.H. (1955) The Metabolism of Amides and Amino Acids in etiolated seedlings of Lupinus luteus L.
Acta botanica neerlandica 4: 487-550
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